Patty Clark

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“The brain is the hardest part of the body to adjust in asanas.” BKS Iyengar

Ashtanga  Week 4:  October 16-22   Continued emphasis on Ujjayi Pranayama (victorious breath)  Mula Bandha (root lock) Uddiyana Bandha (abdominal lock) drishti (directed gazing point) and asana including an inversion practice. Introducing: The Vinyasa system works with the synchronization of deep, rhythmic breathing, drishti and movement. We’ll take Ashtanga primary and intermediate poses and fuse them into …

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Guruji: “Yoga is an internal practice, the rest is just a circus.”

Ashtanga Foundation Week 3:  October 9-15   Continued emphasis on Ujjayi Pranayama (victorious breath)  Mula Bandha (root lock) Uddiyana Bandha (abdominal lock) and standing series Introducing: Drishti- a soft directed gazing point.  There are 9 drishti’s that we’ll incorporate into our “taste of Ashtanga” practice this week.   “By practicing these drishti (dṛṣṭi) points the …

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“Master your breath, let the self be in bliss, contemplate on the sublime within you.” Krishnamacharya

Ashtanga Foundation Week 2:  October 2-8 Continued emphasis on Ujjayi Pranayama (victorious breath)  Mula Bandha (root lock) and standing series Introducing: Uddiyana Bandha (abnominal lock) Prep for headstand 2nd Yama….Satya-truthfulness