Schedule Changes for Next 2 Weeks

Hi Yogis!

Good thing we’re all getting more flexible in our yoga practices, because there are some schedule changes coming up that we will have to move around 🙂

First, there will be no Hatha Yoga class in Grayling this Sunday, October 19th. Sunday classes will resume the following week, on Sunday, Oct. 25th.

Next, because the Gerrish Township Hall has other obligations for use of the hall space, and also because elections are coming up, the following HIGGINS LAKE classes are canceled:

Tuesday, October 21st at 5:30pm (Hatha Yoga)
Monday, October 27th at 11:00am (Hatha Yoga)
Monday, November 3rd at 11:00am (Hatha Yoga)
Tuesday, November 4th at 5:30pm (Hatha Yoga)
Luckily we still have a Monday morning class in Grayling, a Wednesday night class in Grayling, and a Thursday night class in Higgins Lake each of these weeks!

Also, Empower Yoga will not take place in Higgins Lake, but will be moved to GRAYLING on the following dates:

Saturday, October 25th
Saturday, November 1st

Lastly, per usual, the first Thursday of the month, which will be November 6th, we have Slow Vin/Yin Flow at 5:30pm, not 6:00.

All of these changes give us a really good opportunity to pause, take a deep breath, and just be thankful that we have two locations where we can practice!

All of these changes are reflected on our online class schedule site, which is right here:

Please spread the word and stay posted to our online schedule to stay current on these changes! We really appreciate your patience as we get through these next couple weeks. Things will go back to normal after that!

Peace, love, and Namaste,

-Mariah & Lexi




    • Amy on October 16, 2014 at 8:25 pm
    • Reply

    Where you ladies go, we will follow! 🙂

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